
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SLAVES - Native Indians & African - Christian justifications

Few people realize that thousands if not millions of native peoples were forced into slavery. In my wildest imagination I cannot fathom how proclaimed Christians, persecuted themselves for their religious beliefs, wanting to find a place of freedom for themselves, can come to a land where other people have lived for thousands of years, and after accepting their help, then brutalize them, steal every stinking piece of decent land, rape, torture, kill all their buffalo, break all treaties made with them, and take their population from 100 million to one thousand in the largest genocide on the planet. So I went out on the internet to see what I could find, to see if there was some sort of explanation, some sort of decent excuse, but this is what I found.

The same thing that has been going on for 6000 years; interpreting written scripture from the Bible to fit your greedy desires! Whether its the Bible or the Koran or any
other book of "scripture" people with ulterior, less than "Christian" motives manage to twist the meaning, the definition to suit the moment at hand. Which is why more human beings have died in the name of religion than all the world wars put together. These genocides, these holocausts never end. ManKIND is just not very kind indeed!

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