My intent with this blog is to open a forum where, from one human being to another, we can pour out our tears regarding the horrendous, inconceivable acts of unnecessary violence and inhumanity carried out by some Europeans against the innocent FIRST NATION, the MILLIONS of peoples living on the American continent when the English "discovered" this "new" land. It wasn't "new" to the peoples who occupied it, but it's a nice way to put it in the history books so that the white offspring of generations to follow have NO REAL IDEA of what went on in this country. I'm white and until I watched 500 Nations and digested what really happened to our darker skinned brothers and sisters, I just didn't really understand why I would get the cold shoulder by some American Indians. NOW I UNDERSTAND! Like the Tibetans in China, it is very very hard to swallow that your country was stolen by some stronger peoples, and that now you are living on the very fringes of society, barely surviving. Every day you visualize how life used to be, how it still should be, your customs, your beautiful streams and mountains, the ancient traditions of generations before you. GONE. LOST. DEAD. And now alcohol is killing what's left of it. And your one river is drying up. And you don't know how much more land will be taken from your children. It makes me seriously sick to my stomach to realize what our ancestors did, how they used and abused and lied and cheated and deflowered and murdered using their CHRISTIAN GOD as their excuse. They killed just to kill at times, just to the name of God...just kill the "heathens"! If I didn't know sweet, wonderful, sincere, loving Christian people I would HATE CHRISTIANITY! There is NO DAMN EXCUSE for what they did when they had other options, which was most of the time. It was just easier to erase them. These sort of white men make me want to erase them from the face of this world. They are the ones who should have gone down. There were other ways to settle here. We didn't have to wipe out so many tribes, so many innocent women and children. We didn't need to kill other human beings. We didn't have to have the best land for ourselves. We didn't have to take ALL the land, kill ALL the buffalo, take their children away from them to make them into little Christian Europeans. I cannot believe this took place only 100 years ago. I'm sickened and appalled. I am compelled to stay up all night to set up this blog, to apologize a hundred million times, which can never be enough. Please help me heal this wound in the hearts of the FIRST NATION. Please apologize here and now. We owe them at least that much!


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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It's interesting that I have asked several people, including my own adult children, to compose an apology to the First Nations of the American Continent for the grossest atrocity, the biggest genocidal incident in the entire history of mankind, yet still no apologies are forth coming.


Do WE, of European ancestry, who have all this innocent blood on our hands, or should I say IN the earth of "our" lands, feel that we have no reason to apologize because we didn't commit the acts of violence with our own hands? Are we really just too proud of the country we now call our own, we just can't truly admit that it wasn't really a "new world" that Columbus discovered, it's easier just to close our eyes and pretend it didn't happen because it isn't affecting US at this moment? Or maybe we are afraid we'll have to give something back if we admit the wrong. Maybe we are afraid of reality. Many of us are living in denial from day to day anyway, about lots of things in our lives that would make us uncomfortable if we faced them square on, maybe it's in our genes to do rotten things to people or allow them to do them to us, and just ignore it, pretend it isn't so bad, let it drift away into our busy lives.

Facing reality takes guts. Seeing things for what they REALLY are takes real courage. Acting upon reality, taking a stand, having honor, or apologizing for something our ancestors did to another group of people so we could have what we have now, takes people with eyes to see and hearts to feel. I'm not so sure how much heart is left us. Our ancestors were murderers. Those who weren't physically involved none-the-less did nothing to stop the tragedy. Justified by obtain and possess, justified by greed and selfishness, justified by a RELIGION that made any non-Christian a non-human being, good only as a slave or to be killed, all our pretty pilgrims can't possibly be butchers! They believed the lies and propaganda and hardened their hearts to the slaughter, rape, smallpox genocide of children, and the theft of almost all the land that belonged to another people. The hearts grew cold. We inherited those genes. If we cannot see how cold-hearted we have become, it's because we don't have eyes to see or ears to hear or hearts that feel.

An apology on this blog is the little effort we can make to alleviate the suffering of other human beings who suffered under the hands of our ancestors. Maybe if you'll take a little time from your busy schedule to THINK about these things and spend a few minutes of your life to write an apology from your heart, maybe your heart will be healed in the process. Maybe the process of the effort will create a closer identification with the suffering of others and increase compassion in this cold world. I can only offer you the vehicle. You need to make this a priority or not. I cannot do it for you.

On behalf of all First Nation peoples, I again ask you to share your sorrow, your feelings and your apology. Thank you.


  1. I totally agree that the white man needs to put their money where their mouth is and help theswe wonderful people.

  2. Thank you for your comment regarding the wonderful Indian peoples. I hope more comments will be forth coming.

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