
Sunday, March 21, 2010


WHITE PEOPLES: From one white human being to another, please join me in this effort to apologize to the peoples who lived on this continent before our European ancestors took their land.
Directed by Kevin Cosner

Here is my first apology to all 500 First Nation Tribes of these Americas:

With a completely European heritage, I am so terribly ashamed and haunted by what white CHRISTIAN Europeans did to other human beings in the name of their God, which obviously was just an excuse to steal other peoples lovely landscapes. Selfishness, greed, inhumanity, depreciation, defilement, and murder can never be justified against another human beings race, culture, sex, age, or religion. Look the world history over and find out that more murdering and atrocities have been done in the name of religion than all the world wars put together!!!!!!!!!! Sadly and terribly, we have NOT LEARNED. China did the same exact thing to Tibetans in 1959, only about 50 years after the American Indians were jailed for 23 years for "being an Indian" and wanting their own land and freedom. As someone on the bandwagon for a FREE TIBET, thinking what inhumane barbarians the Chinese are, I have just come to realize that WE, the white people, our ancestors, are the worst barbarians ever. The blood and bones of the first nations, the American Indians the fertilizes "our" gardens and supports the foundations of "our" American" homes, dooms us. We often say how lucky we are, how lucky we are that Columbus "discovered" America, how blessed to have this and that, to be prosperous, to have not had wars come on "our" land. How can anyone ENJOY these fruits of our labors, when millions of other human beings were brutally murdered, deprived of their land, not allowed to use their own languages, beat into becoming Christians! The diabolical acts of our forefathers cannot just be written out of history and ignored. We cannot pretend that it wasn't US, it wasn't our choice, it wasn't our fault. We are living on land that does not belong to us. We have taken every good parcel away and left the dry lands to the few First Nation Indians who managed to survive the holocaust of their nation. We continue to dam up the rivers that flow through their meager lands for white man's desires. Why is it that white man should always get the best of everything, why is it the white descendants of murderers should still be allowed to take more and more away from the people we have impoverished in their own lands? As for me, I say it is time for all people of every color to stand up for the right, to understand that human beings are ALL equal, that the color of skins has no bearing on the quality or intelligence or value of a human being. CLOSE YOUR EYES and realize, we are all one human family FIRST, before our skin color, before our culture, before our occupations, before our choice of religion, before anything else, WE ARE ONE HUMAN FAMILY FIRST. As for me, I want to apologize from a broken hearted place deep within me, to all the FIRST NATIONS IN THIS LAND. Please visit my blog: if you are white, please post your feelings, your apologies to the FIRST NATION AMERICAN INDIAN peoples. If you're an American Indian, please accept this effort from the ancestors of European settlers who did you so damn wrong. If only we could turn back time, if only I could snap my fingers and bring back all your innocent and honored ancestors, if only I could put into reverse the horrendous acts against you, if only I could give you the most precious land in this nation. If only... To me, you are a glorious and magnificient people with a rich heritage and charming traditions. Your cultures are fantastic examples of living in harmony with nature, with animals. Your soul radiates up from the earth of this nation and I treasure this great spirit that still radiates in the faces of your peoples. I am white, but I love your race like a mother loves her own child. I wish I could do something to truly change things and make life good for your again. One person can do so little, but it is my hope that by starting this blog, one day your nation will see that there are thousands if not millions of white people who sorely regret the past acts of bad people against your nation. It is not one. It is not just me. Many people I know adore American Indians, their culture and religion. I know in time, they will find this blog and write their own apologies so that one day this bad blood between us will be healed.

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